Seminole Theatre
18 N. Krome Avenue, Homestead, FL, US



Formed in 2014, Rumours ATL has taken the U.S. by storm with their stage-scorching renditions of Fleetwood Mac songs. Fans from across the nation claim that Rumours ATL is the band to see if you are looking for an authentic recreation of live Fleetwood Macshows.

In just under 7 years, Rumours ATL has landed itself the reputation of being the best Fleetwood Mac Tribute band and additionally has made fans internationally. In the summer of 2019,Rumours ATL was invited to play a week in The Netherlands at some of the top venues and festivals in the country. The success of that tour brought them the attention from plenty of new fans and promoters and they will be returning in 2020. Specially crafted shows and not one detail left behind, Rumours ATL continues to sell out some of the top venues in the United States and gain fans at each show.

Rumours ATL is fronted by Mekenzie Zimmerman (Stevie Nicks vocals), Adrienne Cottrell(keyboards and Christine McVie vocals), and Denny Hanson (guitar and Lindsey Buckinghamvocals).John Spiegel on lead guitar, Jim Ramsdell on bass, and Daniel Morrison on drums makeup one of the best live band performances you will see at any show. The band prides itself on being the most authentic Fleetwood Mac Tribute without coming across as a parody or a bore of a show. They will make you dance, sing along at the top of your lungs, and you’ll even learn something new about Fleetwood Mac at each performance

Rumours ATL will leave you wanting more. Rumours ATLwill make you relive those Fleetwood Macmemories.

Do you believe in miracles and the ways of magic? Rumours ATL do.

“Rumours ATL is a pleasure to work with and extremely dedicated to bringing a Fleetwood Mac experience to our audiences at every show. Which they sell out each time.” Peter Moshay, GrammyWinner and sound engineer for Daryl Hall and John Oates, Live from Daryl’s House"

“We love having RumoursATLplay our venue. They’re always so fun and get along with the staff great! They also sell a lot of tickets and their shows are awesome.” Jason Westbrook, Production Manager IronCity, Birmingham Alabama.

Purchase Tickets



“We love having RumoursATLand I love lighting their shows. They always make it magical.” Farrell Roberts, Variety Playhouse Atlanta GATickets are also available at the Box Office Thurs-Sat 12pm-6pm 

Tickets are also available at the Box Office Thurs-Sat 12pm-6pm 

All sales are final. There are no refunds for any reason except event cancellation.

All orders carry a transaction fee. All sales are final unless the event is cancelled, patrons would then get the choice of a refund, credit or pick a different show.All patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket. Lap seat tickets are available for select performances. All sales are final. There are no refunds for any reason except event cancellation.



It is the policy of the Seminole Theatre to comply with all of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The facility is accessible and assistive listening devices are available in the main auditorium. To request materials in accessible format, and/or any accommodation to attend an event at the Seminole Theatre, please contact the box office 786-650-2073, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., at least five days in advance to initiate your request, TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).


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Here's What's Next


02.14.2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


02.28.2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


03.01.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


03.08.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


04.11.2025 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

At The Theatre

Our History

The Theatre originally opened on November 26, 1921 as a cinema, primarily showing the then popular silent movies. The Seminole Theatre quickly became the place to go for entertainment and social gatherings in South Dade County and the upper Keys.

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Seminole Theatre
18 N Krome Ave
Homestead, FL 33030, United States
[/column] [column size="1/4"] Box Office Phone:
[/column] [column size="1/4"] Temporary Hours:
Thu-Sat 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM [/column] [column size="1/4"] Box Office Email:
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