Monday, 31 October 2016 7PM
Seminole Theatre
18 N. Krome Avenue, Homestead, FL, US

             Halloween in Homestead Event

Seminole On Air - Dracula

This Halloween, leave the screaming trick-or-treaters at home and pick to treat yourself.  Join us for a Seminole On Air production of Bram Stoker's Dracula, re-created from Orson Welles’ original broadcast.  Try not to get bitten as you’re transported to Transylvania and back hearing and seeing this radio broadcast performed live.

Seminole On Air is a collaboration with WLRN Radio Theater, the Arts Radio Network Theatre Project and the Seminole Theatre.  These performances are accurate recreations of the live radio plays from the golden age of radio, with professional actors performing multiple roles and utilizing authentic sound effect devices. These plays are very interactive, with the audience providing many of the sound effects themselves! Each event will include a post-show Talk back session, where the audience can ask questions about the play, its history and the production. 

Radio Theater Actors at Mic Photo by Carl Dawson      Radio theater sound effects Photo by Carl Dawson

Tickets and information are also available at the Seminole Theatre box office, 786-650-2073 or at 18 N Krome Ave, Homestead, FL. The box office is open Tuesday-Saturday 12:00-6:00pm.

2016-2017 Subscription Packages

Subscription Package Information

Season ticket packages start at $77. View the 2016-2017 season packages for pricing and show information. To order, call the Box Office at 786.650.2073 beginning Friday, August 26th to take advantage of this exclusive offer!

VIDEO: Easy steps to survive trick-or-treaters this Halloween.

Metadata (will be hidden)

EventID = 27471156970
OrganizerID = 8857566965
VenueID = 12180474

It is the policy of the Seminole Theatre to comply with all of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The facility is accessible and assistive listening devices are available in the main auditorium. To request materials in accessible format, and/or any accommodation to attend an event at the Seminole Theatre, please contact the box office 786-650-2073, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., at least five days in advance to initiate your request, TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).


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Here's What's Next


02.14.2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


02.28.2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


03.01.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


03.08.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


04.11.2025 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

At The Theatre

Our History

The Theatre originally opened on November 26, 1921 as a cinema, primarily showing the then popular silent movies. The Seminole Theatre quickly became the place to go for entertainment and social gatherings in South Dade County and the upper Keys.

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Seminole Theatre
18 N Krome Ave
Homestead, FL 33030, United States
[/column] [column size="1/4"] Box Office Phone:
[/column] [column size="1/4"] Temporary Hours:
Thu-Sat 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM [/column] [column size="1/4"] Box Office Email:
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